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Hi, I'm Katrina

SEO and Conversion Copywriter, Auckland, New Zealand

If you’re not good at words… I can help!

So many of my clients come to me seeking

  • Freedom from the endless jumble of thoughts cluttering up their headspace.

  • Clarity about which thoughts are important and what is just noise.

  • Confidence that their website can make a real difference to their life as well as the lives of their clients.

  • The ability to work smarter not harder.

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." 

~ Jack Kerouac

Simple words come from a process that is far from simple. If you’ve tried writing website copy, you’ll know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed.

Trying to sort out the jumble of words in your head, wondering what’s important and what’s not. And then entering the confusing world of SEO.

Simple words come from having the skills to research, write and edit. Which is anything but simple.

My English teacher at school would be horrified to learn I'm now a writer. 

I think I spent most of my lessons gazing out of the window.

This is possibly why conversion copywriting is the work I love doing so much - it's got less to do with grammar and proper sentence formation and more to do with communicating in a way that's easy to read and understand.

Writing was never on my radar as a profession.

But (what did I tell you? Mrs Bland would be horrified, "you can't start a sentence with BUT!") all the skills I learned over the years set me up to be an awesome copywriter.

You see, I spent over 20 years working in the health industry as a Registered Dietitian. Picking up qualifications in Adult Education, Aromatherapy and Massage, Copy Editing and an MSc in Human Nutrition along the way.

What do they all have in common? Communication. 

Then, when I left public service and opened my own private practice, I spent years making marketing mistakes, back-tracking and generally getting in a knot about web design, blogs and emails.

All the time, I remember thinking that all the things I needed to keep clients coming in just kept me from doing the work I loved!

Slowly, my free time went down, and my stress levels went up. When all I wanted was for my stress levels to go down and my free time to go up!

“First, do no harm.”
~ Hippocrates

Not having the right words on your website doesn’t just send the wrong message.

It can hold you back from making the most of business opportunities and harm your potential to achieve your goals.

I learned from the best

  • Seth Godin (marketing genius and author of Tribes and Permission Marketing, among others)

  • Donald Miller (creator of Building a StoryBrand) - I was a StoryBrand Certified guide from 2019-2022

  • Sam Horn (author of Pop and Got Your Attention)

  • Robert Cialdini (author of Influence)

  • Joanna Weibe (the original conversion copywriter)

I totally nerded out on SEO, conversion copywriting and how to write the best, most effective copy for websites. It’s amazing what years of health psychology can bring to the marketing field!  

And the transition to copywriter and word nerd began!

Six years later, I've written copy for over 70 websites in New Zealand, USA, Canada and Australia. 

"Without her words, our websites convert less and bore people more."

"Katrina is our go-to copywriter. As we continue our relationship with our clients beyond the website launch, we see how well her words sell on our client's websites! We see the enquiries come in and the products and courses being sold.  

We love her framework, which means the words are always clear and concise - they paint a picture while also eliminating the confusion most people experience when trying to read a website.  She also understands branding and cleverly sprinkles a client's brand message at every opportunity to further reinforce the uniqueness of their brand.  

It always seems to be effortless how the words come together with Katrina, but also the project as a whole, since she is straightforward and very timely - she works well within our design process! 

Lori, Lola Media Design

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.”
~ Stephen King

Stop stressing about writing website copy that connects and converts.

You deserve website copy that connects and converts so you can focus on your zone of genius